Liz and Debi Check In

There’s a lot going on in the world right now, and White Claw can’t solve everything. Many of us are separated from those we love the most, but that separation doesn’t change the need to connect and check in with one another. Today, Debi and I just chat about what’s on our hearts and what each of us are dealing with in our own homes and families.

Our hearts are hurting over broken relationships, lost moments, misinformation, and a new and growing willingness to cut people out our lives over minor disagreements. I doubt we’re alone in our sadness and we want to check in with all of you today. How are you? What’s on your heart today?

We want you to know we love you, we understand, and we join you in hoping for better days filled with health, happiness, and reconciliations.


We’re Dancing With Stress


Dancing With Our Beliefs