Loyalty and The PanDAMNic

Many believe people aren't returning to their pre-pandemic low-wage jobs because they'd rather sit at home and "be lazy" rather than be "loyal" to their employer. But, is this characterization true or fair?

In many states, including our home state of California, school has not yet fully reopened. That means parents still have kids at home and those parents have become home-school parents. Older kids might be able to be home on their own, but parents of little ones can’t possibly leave them unattended, so one of the parents stays home. Single parents are left without a choice in the matter.

I wonder sometimes if maybe we’re jealous of the younger generation who know how to live in the moment. They’ve grown up knowing they probably won’t receive the social security dollars they pour into the system, own a home, or EVER pay off their student loans. Their future doesn’t always look so bright, so they cherish today. They are unabashedly loyal to their own self-care and we can learn from them.

Debi lost her beloved dog Bella this past week. Bella was the most loyal pet Debi had ever had the privilege of loving and she often called her the “Jesus dog”. If you’ve owned a pet, you know what loyalty REALLY looks like. They give more than they take and they love you unconditionally.

The past year and a half has been really hard - it’s been a panDAMNic and we’re ready for it all to be behind us. But what a shame it would be if we failed to learn the lessons the virus came to teach us.

Debi holding Bella close in her last moments.

Debi holding Bella close in her last moments.




Blow Out The Candles