Lessons From The Littles
We are moms who believe our kids not only come into the world for us to raise, but to raise us up as well. There are so many good and valuable lessons we’ve learned from our kids that we would not have learned any other way, and we are grateful.
The Twitterverse and Finding Offense
People can be so dumb. We don't mean to be, but we often say things that are incredibly hurtful. What should we do when we find out our words cut deep? This is a timely conversation for sure.
Miracles: Rethinking The Definition
Maybe the miracle is not the thing you're wanting or praying for, but the miracle is the new people and experiences that come to us on the journey that is life. Today Debi and Liz rethink what miracles really look like, and how to appreciate the daily goodness.
Dancing With Joy
Liz and Debi are on a quest to not just enjoy life, but to be filled with joy AND to fill others with joy. Is there a difference between enjoyment and joy-filled living? Absolutely!
Set Up For The New Season
Liz and Debi have had a Summer. They’ve had good days, bad days, surprises, set backs, disappointments, joys…you know, life! :)
Are We Too Hyphenated?
I had a lovely conversation with an older gentlemen last weekend about the state of our world and our country. He made the point that, in his opinion, the most divisive thing in our English language is the hypen.
We’re African (hyphen) Americans, Mexican (hyphen) Americans, Republican-Americans, Democrat-Americans, etc… What if we saw ourselves and one another as AMERICANS first? How might our conversations change? We are, afterall, one nation under God.
Community Expectations
Who is your community? What is the role you play in your community, and how do they support and encourage you?
Where’s The Fruit?
Every step in the growth and growing process is important. We have to have the right soil, good fertilizers, flowers, and the bees to pollinate.
People Change and Grow
What would happen in a world where we gave people both the room and the grace to grow and change at their own personal pace?
Maya Angelou said, "when people tell you who they are, believe them." What if we opened our mind to the idea that every human is STILL growing and becoming who they were born to be? What if we saw people as saplings with the potential to grow into mighty trees? What if we viewed our mistakes, and the mistakes of others as the normal pruning that comes with growing the strongest tree imaginable? Not giving up on people gives us the opportunity to have front row seats to miracles.
Mistakes Become New Life
Just because we wish we hadn't made choices and mistakes of the past, we do not have to live in a place of regret and shame. Some people find joy in reminding you of your past. We can't change what people think or say about you and/or others.
Every minute we spend defending ourselves against a false allegation is a minute wasted trying to save a relationship that's already dead.
Stardust or Poop?
We engage in conversation and happenstance everyday all day. Whether we're ordering at a fast food drive-through, receiving a delivery, talking with co-workers, or helping a friend through a crisis, we are leaving memory trails behind us.
It used to be that we didn't always know the secret hidden thoughts and feelings of all those with whom we share space on this planet. However, social media has given us a free for all platform on which to spew everything from love and encouragement to hate fueled conspiracy theories. The dark sides of us have always been there, we just haven't been able to SEE the ugly and disappointing sides of our fellow travelers. Are we leaving behind trails of stardust or poop?
What’s New With Deb and Liz?
It's been a minute since we've sat down and caught up. Debi and her husband John opened a second music school location, Liz had surgery on BOTH feet, and the community choir we both love is once again meeting and singing in person.
After two years, things seem to be getting back to normal. Well, our new normal, and we celebrate the good, the bad, the wins and losses.
Safe Spaces; Continuing the Conversation
I confess I have not always been the safe space I want to be, but I'm always working on improving myself. I also recognize that some people have expectations for me and others that are completely unattainable for most humans and I simply cannot be all things to all people - no matter how much I love them and wish I could be more perfect.
If someone asks me to keep a confidence, I will keep it. If my heart is breaking over health or financial concerns (whether mine or a that of a loved one), I might reach out for emotional, spiritual, and physical support. Even in those situations, I will go out of my way to protect privacy and despite all the efforts to protect those I love, I sometimes fall short. However, two things are still true; I love you unconditionally AND I need community. - Liz
Stories of Labor and Safe Spaces
Having babies is something women have been doing since the beginning of time, but every single birth story is different. This is a great reminder when it comes to humans.
Let's remember that every single life and story is different and special and unique, and awesome!
Ice Cream, Poop Bowls, and Brownies
Would you eat a brownie tainted with dog poop, or ice cream from a bowl made of cow dung? Even the tiniest of lies are degrading our conversations and reputations. Isn't it about time we see the little lies for what they truly are - lies!?
Paths and Birthdays
Some of us are kind of like snowballs who have just rolled through life, collecting relationships and memories as we go along. Some of us have made conscious and purposeful life choices in hope that life will bring all that we want. Turning 60 makes you want to be far more purposeful with choices and relationships.
Loving All Year Long
Many of us put a lot of stock into Valentine's Day. Debi and Liz like to find reasons to make every day a day of love. It's NOT always easy and is most often hard, but we're up to the challenge to try.
There was a season in each of our lives when things like peace signs and unicorns were seen as evil, but oh do they bring us joy today!
Building On A Strong Foundation
Many of us have experienced real loss in our lives. Shakeups contribute to disorientation and often leave us wondering just how much shaking we can actually survive. It really will all depend on the integrity of the foundation on which we've built our lives and families.
What Gives You Joy?
It's easy to wallow in the mourning of all we've lost and all we can no longer do and be. But there is still so much joy to be had.
Contact: WeDanceWithSkeletons@Gmail.com
Deconstructing From Our First Love
Liz and Debi both fell in love with Jesus and The Evangelical Christian Church when we were young. We met the men we would marry in church, raised our babies in the faith, and built relationships we thought would last a lifetime. But those relationships didn't last and our faith has been tested and tried again and again.
So, why do we still care about the institution that broke our hearts and shook the faith right out of our families? We believe there's still good to be found and hearts to be mended. Perhaps the American Evangelical's view of Biblical inerrancy ought to be re-examined.
For more about global Christianity and the way the world’s view of God and the Bible differs from American Christianity, check out the works of Australian theologian Michael Bird.