Dancing With Yoga
Growing up in the traditional Christian tradition, Liz was "warned" about the dangers of spiritual practices like Yoga. Likewise, Debi was discouraged from engaging in Yoga after she became a Christian as a young adult.
Today Debi shares the calm and joy she recently experienced when she spent the weekend at a Yoga retreat with her daughter Karter. In today’s climate, isn’t finding peace in the storm of life something we all want? We’re all doing our best to move forward with the lessons we’ve learned and the growth we’ve experienced.

Where Are The Dryer Sheets?
We go through life collecting beliefs, habits, values, hangups, stories, etc... Liz and Debi were taught that if we all followed “the formula” and lived in “the box” our lives would turn out good and right.
We are going through a serious deconstruction process. This is not just about faith and religion, but it's about the lies told us by the people in whom we put our trust. Some days we just want to throw ourselves into a great big ol’ dryer filled with extra dryer sheets so we can be rid of the static cling that collects beliefs that are antithetical to truth and goodness.