Birthing Creativity
Elizabeth Stoeckel Elizabeth Stoeckel

Birthing Creativity

Birthing a creative endeavor or event is an awful lot like growing and birthing a child. The birthing pains as the event gets frightningly close is very much like actual labor. There are times you want it to stop. Please, make it stop. But, it’s too late…the project is about to be presented to the world. Will it be “cute”? Will it be accepted by the other project “parents” in your friend/social circle? Will those who came before you or mentored you be proud of what you’ve done?

Liz and Debi discuss the birthing pains that come with creating. Here’s the deal, even though there’s fear, uncertainty, insecurities, and yes…pain…create anyway. The world is waiting for YOUR creativity. The world is waiting for the birth of the thing that ONLY YOU can produce!


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Elizabeth Stoeckel Elizabeth Stoeckel


Actors use an improvisational tool called yes/and. The words no, I don't think so, you're wrong, etc.... instantly stops the scene. On the other hand, the words, yes & and keep the scene moving forward. Likewise, when in conversation with others we use the words, no, stop, or you're wrong, we stop healthy conversations and relationships in their tracks.

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